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Canadian Career Education College  / C.P.D. House


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Continuing Professional Development, CPD Programs for ICCRC & Law Society Members in Canada (2012-2020)

Discount bundled CPD Programs for LSO-LSBC Members


Benefits of Bundle Registration:
  • 6-12 CPDs for a flat rate discounted fee (Early bird registration fee is active until January 30, 2022)
  • Register and Pay all in one invoice/process
  • You will have 24/7 access to all CPD courses in live online or video format until Jan 15, 2022
  • All documentation & information to claim CPD credits from the regulator, from one page
  • All bundles include 3 Hours Proff & EDI

CPD Bundle For Lawyers

6 CPD Bundle $59; 9+ CPD $79; 12+ CPD $99

CPD Bundle For Paralegals

6 CPD Bundle $49; 9+ CPD $69; 12+ CPD $85

Individual CPD courses

Individual CPD courses in live or video format for Lawyers & Paralegals, without any subscription or membership.

Bundle program registrants may also purchase individual CPD courses which are not included in their bundle.

CPD courses for New in practice (NIP)

Special discount up to 50% 

LSO-LSBC Members must have received their license to practice within the last 12 months from the date of registration under this program.


CPDHOUSE.ORG O/A P.D.L.E.S. is one of the major online Continuing Education and Professional Development providers for lawyers and legal professionals in Canada. Our courses are professionally created and prepared. CPD Courses are available all year round via various live & archived formats.

  • This organization has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by the Law Society of Upper Canada
  • This organization has been approved as an Accredited CPD Provider of professional responsibility and ethics, client care and relations, practice management and substantive law Content by the Law Society of British Columbia 

CPD House - Can-College will be offering bundled CPDs in two formats (Live Online or Video)

  • You will have access to all CPDs in live online, or video format.
  • If you purchase CPD events bundle in the live online format, you will still have access to the video format for the same event(s) at no extra cost.
  • You will have access to all CPD events in the bundle from one webpage and all the way until the end of the year. No password expiry issues.

Other Benefits:

  • 6-12 CPDs for a flat rate 
  • Once a member subscribes to the bundle CPD program, no additional registration or purchase of any inidivual course/event required
  • 24/7 Program page Access until December 31
  • Free Video Access until December 31 (even if you have registered for a Live Format Event)
  • Register and Pay all in one invoice/process
  • Receive all documentation and instructions via one secure access page (no need to search for record in email)
  • You can register and purchase CPD bundles in advance even if the Live or video CPD will be available at a future date.
  • At the end of year apply for CPD credits without any hassle 

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